Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wednesday Weirdness 30

Wednesday Weirdness

1.) Have you ever taken your clothes off for money?

Haha, didn't I blog about this not long ago??

2.) Are you a morning person or a night owl?
Morning person... I wake up at 6 am everyday for a jog

3.) Do you take any kind of medication daily or regularly? If so, what?
Nope.... a few vitamins if that counts...

4.) Do you ever have naughty thoughts about any of your friends significant others?
Oh yes.... I've been known as a homewrecker in the past... just hard to resist a good looking man that you're not supposed to have... just makes it all the more tempting... sorry about that divorce Callie lol...

5.) What are your favorite comfort foods?
Chocolate and Ice Cream... oh and cookies... and brownies... pretty much anything that has a ton of sugar in it...

6.) Would you rather direct a porn or star in one?
I've done both... I've been videotaped having sex and held a camera for a friend-couple of mine that wanted something to watch while away from each other...

7.) Have you ever seen a "donkey show"? Would you ever be interested in seeing one?
Haha... no comment...

8.) On a scale of 1 to 10, how gullible of a person would you say you are?
i'd say 7 or 8... I'm pretty gullible at times... unfortunately...


ShannonW said...

Chocolate and ice cream are excellent comfort foods!